One girls DIY restoration of a cottage.

As far as possible we, me and MeWally, want an old age with low, or no, utility bills. We also happen to be stingey with money and will make as much eco stuff as we can and build it all into our tiny house.

So we'll have a comfortable home that's cheap to make and to run. RESULT!!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Suspending The New Stairs - Tuesday 22.2.11

Today's the day to fit this large section of our RUSTIC STAIRCASE.

Ed came over to lend us a hand. MeWally set up the rope and simple pulley system as the stairs rested on the middle floor of the house, following the long haul up from the ground floor.

The stairs were hoisted into place, swinging high above our heads. It was safe, but looked precarious. 

Once at the right height, these supports (made yesterday), were knocked into place. The stringers were wedged at the top to stop sideways movement,

and a temporary joist rigged for the bottom of the stair case. This meant chiselling out a stone from the wall and posting in the end of the joist. Spacers were put in between the first riser and the joist, as the stair will sit on top of the floor boards that will  cover a small landing.

Now it looks like a flight of stairs. Ed's sitting a where the new landing will be. Three steps will lead up to the landing.

Lovely, chunky stairs.

Looking down through the little landing to the little landing on the way down below, on the ground floor. You can also see the a piece of wood, used to stop the stair shifting horizontally.

All that was left to do was to clean up the mess - again!

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