One girls DIY restoration of a cottage.

As far as possible we, me and MeWally, want an old age with low, or no, utility bills. We also happen to be stingey with money and will make as much eco stuff as we can and build it all into our tiny house.

So we'll have a comfortable home that's cheap to make and to run. RESULT!!

Sunday 20 February 2011

Snug As Bugs - Friday 18.2.11

The job here is to raise the level of the floor in the loft so that I can put lovely thick insulation under it. I'm only putting in a small area of flooring as that's all that's needed for the customers' boxes of 'stuff'.

So, small blocks of wood were screwed on top of the existing ceiling joists (under the flooring, which was well nailed down, so I left it in place). New floor joists were screwed on to the solidly attached, and supported, blocks. 

Just a mention, don't wear wool walking socks,

or bare feet!

Before you get into the DUST FEST that is LAYING INSULATION, cut the floor boards.

Gather your protection,

and put it all on. YES ALL OF IT!

To keep the dust down, cut the unwrapped insulation with a sharp knife and DON"T WAVE IT ABOUT

Stuff fillets of insulation between each block, under the new joists. Don't pack it tight, light and fluffy is the rule - they don't call it LOFTING without reason!

To lay insulation between the joists saw the roll to the correct width to fit exactly. DON'T UNWRAP IT FIRST!

Once the 'new floor' area is insulated, nail on the floor boards. I used 6 nails; enough to stop them sliding about; few enough to let me lift them in the future, though I DON'T KNOW WHY I'D WANT TO.

Put all the tools onto the new floor and double check there's NOTHING ON THE OLD LOFT FLOOR, you'll never find anything again if you bury it with loft insulation. Now lay all the rest of the insulation where you've not laid any yet. You now have a small floor area for all your JUNK, and insulation at 270mm all over the entire loft area including under your new floor.


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