One girls DIY restoration of a cottage.

As far as possible we, me and MeWally, want an old age with low, or no, utility bills. We also happen to be stingey with money and will make as much eco stuff as we can and build it all into our tiny house.

So we'll have a comfortable home that's cheap to make and to run. RESULT!!

Monday 10 January 2011

Clear Out - Monday 10.1.11

I spent yesterday, SUNDAY, going through my notes and my photos and using them to compile a list of jobs that will need to be done before Sam can move back in.

While I got on with my bit of PROJECT MANAGEMENT, Glyn the builder went to the Flooded House and cleared the loft of wet floor boards and all the soaked loft insulation. He also put in a second dehumidifier for me. It's on the middle floor and still ot enough.

The skip's arriving on Tuesday, I guess I'll have to chuck all this detritus into it. Glyn's on another job this week, Sam's taken her baby to her parents for a while, until the work's nearer completion, so I'm on my own.

The loft had been beautifully cleared and cleaned by Glyn. Perfect. The insulation will be here in a couple of weeks to coincide with the time the loft might actually be dry.

The plasterboard in the master bedroom has a sag in it. From up here the board has an obvious 'scoop' in it at the 'sag' point.

Where the fixings for the first floor ceiling have penetrated the foil layer, water has found a way into the plasterboard's interior and caused these large, soft blisters. This is NOT A GOOD SIGN!

The loft wall is still wet along the mortared joints. With no dehumidifier in this zone, it will take a while to fully dry. which is unsatisfactory to my way of thinking.

Finally, mould has developed along the loft timbers and will need killing off at some stage in the project.

No point hanging about, I ripped up the duff floorboards, which was a pig of a job, but had the added advantage of letting air flow around the under side of the, still good, boards. Perhaps with the breeze from the new dehumidifier reaching their undersides, they'll stop growing mould now and get on with drying out.


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