One girls DIY restoration of a cottage.

As far as possible we, me and MeWally, want an old age with low, or no, utility bills. We also happen to be stingey with money and will make as much eco stuff as we can and build it all into our tiny house.

So we'll have a comfortable home that's cheap to make and to run. RESULT!!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Dub Dub - Sunday 10.4.11

I've found these shots of the Dub Dub lurking in the un-up-loaded-place.

Thought you might like to see them, they're a bit boring - unless you're into this sort of thing and as this is a bit of an restoration, I thought this might be the place to record our efforts.

MeWally replaced the 'kick boards that hide the technical stuff between the dash board and the floor. He cut each piece him self. I doubt they'll stay white for long.

The panel under the rock and roll bed was horrible and showed up a gap in the side cupboard. It looked a proper mess. The new one is in beech finished plywood and is set forward about 6ins. Looks neat and tidy.

The tall cupboard had been dumped in the back of the bus and a rather tatty, low box had been fitted in its' place. He's put the original cupboard back into it's original place. It's a little wardrobe!

MeWally has also stripped all the paint off the cupboards, restoring them to their original finish. The Beech finished wood we've chosen is not a perfect match, so we've experimented with lime wax and it changes the tone to a closer match.

There's a fair bit wrong with the body work.

Ratty by name, Ratty by nature..

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